Thursday, July 29, 2010

Update from Jerry - Day 29

To all my friends, family and Join Jerry Crazies; Thanks for your continued support. It’s “Day 29” - 29 days since I got my brother’s stem cells and 36 days since we started the latest chapter of this adventure. Everything is going great. The doctors, nurses and staff at Duke are fantastic.

It still feels like “Groundhog Day.” Every day is the same. I go in to the clinic, they draw blood and I wait for the results. They then give me whatever meds I need that day. Lately, I haven’t needed any. My counts continue to rise, slowly, as hoped. My appetite is day to day and I’ve lost about 15 pounds. And still no abs
I’m working out at least every other day and feel really good. I tend to take a lot of naps during the day though, which is no different from when I was working. This whole Join Jerry thing and everyone’s Relentless spirit is amazing. As I’ve said before, I’ve gotten more good out of cancer than bad. That’s because of friends and family like you.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jerry, Keep up the fight!!...Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family daily.
    Dave & Linda Magness
