Saturday, July 3, 2010

A neutropenic diet

Jerry's wife Michele is reading about the neutropenic diet, which is for people with weakened immune systems. Jerry can't eat fresh fruits and vegetables, for instance. But, ironically, twinkies and ring dings pass the test. The diet unnerves me a little, reminding me of Blanche in a Streetcar Named Desire, who dreamed of dying from an "unwashed grape." Unwashed grapes can do Jerry in too. The Duke Med manual explains it well. He is very susceptible to bacteria at this point.

We are at the clinic this morning, as is the routine. Jerry's blood is analyzed and then he receives the IV meds he needs. Today, he needs some platelets, calcium, potassium. He is still on the antibiotics to prevent a recurrence of the fever he had earlier this week. Has it only been a week? Feels like forever. The nausea has subsided, mercifully, and Jerry was able to have a good breakfast, at last.

I think we may be in the quiet before the storm. Jerry said his good friend Kenny, a doctor, told him that the real test happens in about two weeks when Jerry's bone marrow starts to accept Anthony's. Fortunately, Kenny will be visiting at about that time. Knowing what I do of Kenny, he probably timed his trip so he could be around for that.

1 comment:

  1. Jerry, keep the strength, as we all are doing for you, Michele, your girls, and your family.

    love and prayers,
    Patty (A) C
